At a church recently we saw a video of a family that had lost their 13 year old daughter to a freak snow skiing accident.ย What did that family do?ย They decided that the lost of the family member was tragic but if something good was to come from it, they had to donate working organs.ย The video was the reunion of the mother of the 13 year old and the recipient of her heart.ย A mother of 2 received the heart after hers began to fail 5 years prior.ย Just before the transplant she was sleeping 18 hours a day and was luck to leave the house due to fatigue.
While the video was moving I am glad to be a member of a family that had done just what the giving family did.ย This week is difficult as I remember Smoky but at the same time I know that others are out in the world due to the giving nature of Smoky and his wife.ย We are thankful for our family and the giving nature.